Soft Opening - The Blacklight Book Full of Surprises
  • 4-10

Soft Opening - The Blacklight Book Full of Surprises

Hightop International Kft.

60 oldal

An unconventional children's book about Walter, the cuddly wombat and his friendly ensemble. We filled Soft Opening with literally tons of tiny details, references to arts and pop culture and interesting backstories and comments to engage and entertain kids and adult alike. To make it even more fun, we spiced it with invisible ink and we are sending a small UV-flashlight to assist our grown-up readers in their pursuit for hidden stories that are only visible under blacklight.

Elérhetőség: rendelhető

Várható szállítási idő: 3- 5 munkanap

Eredeti ár: 11990 Ft
Online ár: 9952 Ft
loyaltypoints50 törzsvásárlói pont

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