Me and the Mirror
  • 9-15

Janikovszky Éva

Me and the Mirror

Illusztrátor: Kárpáti Tibor

Fordító: Baczoni Márk

Móra Kiadó, 2015

40 oldal , Kemény kötés

Éva Janikovszky's teenage protagonist is standing in front of the mirror, and he does not like what he sees. His neck has stretched, his head has shrunk, his hair is like cobwebs and his mouth is all askew. What's more, someone's forever snapping at him, "Why are you staring at me like an idiot?" or "Try not to look so bored when I'm talking to you!" Last year, he looked perfectly all right, and things seemed more or less normal. What could have happened in a year? Me and the Mirror is now available in book form for the first time with Tibor Kárpáti's witty illustrations. English translation: Baczoni Mark

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